Barn Rules
The safety of all riders and horses at Windcrest Farm is our top priority! We ask everyone to please follow the Barn Rules...
1. No running
2. When leading a horse, always use a lead rope with the chain
over the horse’s nose.
3. When passing in the aisle with your horse, it is extremely
important that the path is clear and all riders are aware of your passing and
have moved their horses for you. It is not safe to stand two horses together in
the aisle.
4. While standing on cross
ties, all horses should be facing in the same direction.

5. Before going into the ring for your lesson, hang the
halter and lead rope on the stall door hook, put any blankets in the horse’s
stall and put away brushes and hoof pick. There should be nothing on the floor.
6. Mounting and dismounting of horses is done in the CENTER of
the ring and riders should wait in a neat horseshow line while waiting for their
lesson to begin.
7. Pick up after yourself:
Tack needs to be thoroughly
cleaned and returned to its proper location in the tack room. All brushes/hoof
pick should be put away. Clean horse boots and put away
8. Pick up after your horse: Hair, Manure, Hoof pickings, Etc.
In the
1. Make sure your horse is thoroughly cooled
down and groomed before going back to the stall.
2. If you use fly spray, put the bottle away.
In the Winter:
1. If the weather is inclement, please call the barn before
arriving for your lesson to confirm it is still being held.
2. Before and after riding, cover your horse with a cooler after
taking blankets off. Hang the cooler neatly back on the rack when through.
3. Make sure your horse is cool, dry, groomed and properly
blanketed before returning to the stall.
4. Don’t ever hesitate to ask
for help if you are unsure. There are no stupid questions!